A Single Certificate for a Single European MarketEuropa mit Punkten

The Heat Pump KEYMARK is a voluntary, independent European certification mark (ISO type 5 certification) for all heat pumps, combination heat pumps and hot water heaters (as covered by Ecodesign, EU Regulation 813/2013 and 814/2013).

It is based on independent, thirdparty testing and demonstrates compliance with product requirements as set in the Heat Pump KEYMARK scheme rules and with efficiency requirements as set by Ecodesign Lot 1 and Lot 2.

The Heat Pump KEYMARK scheme is owned by the European Committee for standardization (CEN). The certificates are granted by independent Certification Bodies to products fulfilling all requirements of the scheme.

The scheme is open to all Certification Bodies in Europe. Manufacturers interested in obtaining the certification should apply with one of the empowered Certification Bodies.

The CEN Heat Pump KEYMARK is a full certificate supporting the quality of heat pumps in the European market. It has been developed by the heat pump industry in 2015 but it is owned by CEN. The scheme is open to all certification bodies in Europe.

Main Characteristics and Advantages

  • A single certificate open to all interested parties
  • Third party measurements using test points from Ecodesign (EU regulations 206/2012, 813/20133 and 814/2013)
  • Factory production control (FPC) and check of quality management
  • Transparent and strong to create trust in the market place
  • Mutually accepted by all participating Certification Bodies
  • No minimal requirements (indirectly, due to Ecodesign, minimum requirements will apply on eta s, noise)

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